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Welcome to Twin Creeks Farm
​ Twin Creeks Farm is proud to offer
organically grown grass fed meats.
Our family is
Gerald & Shari-Lynn te Velde
and our children Ian & Elisabeth, Joshua, Lukas, Aaron, Seth, Annah-Lynn, and Zachary.

We are a diverse family farm, located on the rolling hills of the Niagara Escarpment, nestled in the northern head waters of the Big Head River which flows into Georgian Bay at the town of Meaford. We began farming in 1998 knowing it was a great place to live and raise our family. We started milking sheep and have slowly diversified. We continue to enjoy farming and growing healthy food for ourselves and for others. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality grass only beef and lamb, pastured pork and poultry, all naturally grown.
we specialize in corn and soy free meats
We consider our farm products to be 'Beyond Organic'.
Our animals have 100% access to fresh green grass throughout our 'green' growing season.
We use organic and sustainable growing methods when growing our livestock.
Our livestock is hormone and gmo free, as well as
corn and soy free!




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